For those who will be reading through the Conflict of Ages Series, here is a place for you to post comments and questions about your readings.
The Conflict of Ages Series consists of the following books by Ellen White: vol 1 Patriarchs and Prophets (PP) vol 2 Prophets and Kings (PK) vol 3 The Desire of Ages (DS) vol 4 The Acts of the Apostles (AA) vol 5 The Great Controversy (GC)
Our reading schedule is set M-F, allowing the weekend time to catch up or to have a break from reading. The schedule is to read 10 pages a day. We plan to have read through the entire series in a little over a year.
All books can be found online to read for free at:
Or you can download mp3 audio for free at:
Don't forget to subscribe to the RSS feed so you can get email updates on new comments/posts left on the site. Need help? Just email me!
pg 279 "man must be saved by faith, not by works; yet his faith must be shown by his works"