Friday, November 6, 2009

10-Nov PP 111-120

1 comment:

  1. It surprised me at our last WOW meeting the comment that some Adventist don't believe that Creation occurred in a literal 7 days - especially still believing that the 7th day is the Sabbath day. I really enjoyed this chapter on The Literal Week. I think too many times we try to figure out God and try to comprehend things that we will never be able to comprehend and it all comes down to faith or lack of...which I guess ties into a point I underlined (pg114) that "Human knowledge is an unreliable guide".

    I never realized that people actually lived/had apartments within the tower of Babel. I truly thought it was just a tower. Which I question then how Ellen White knows this because the Bible states that it was a city and a tower and no mention of people living in the tower. Also, I never realize the purpose of the tower was to save them from another possible flood.


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