Friday, November 6, 2009

13-Nov PP 141-150

1 comment:

  1. How important family identity truly is - "It was necessary to bind the members of the household together, in order to build up a barrier against the idolatry that had become so widespread and so deep seated...

    "Let obedience to parental authority be taught and enforced as the first step in obedience to the authority of God" -- I know, I know Erin -- I've been slow to getting to this and all the teachings of first time obedience with Growing Kids God's Way... ;-)

    I loved all the great parenting points on pg 143 and 144. But we do have to remember that our children must see us having obedience to God if we are to expect them to have obedience to us as well...yes, just yesterday Owen got after me about not coming first time...

    And for us impatient people like me..."WAIT for God to fulfill His word in His own time and way..." (pg 145)

    I just loved Ellen White's insights to the story of Abraham and Isaac.


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