Monday, October 26, 2009

5-Nov: PP 81-90

1 comment:

  1. pg 81 -- many people follow God's other commandments, but when it comes to keeping the Sabbath Day most do what Ellen White shared " they chose their own time for labor and rest". I had a big discussion around this when I did my Proverbs 31 Woman with Donna Partow...

    How guilty Adam must have felt since "for nearly a thousand years Adam lived among men, a witness to the results of sin".

    I always wondered why God destroyed the Earth with a flood soon after the fall of Adam and Eve but since then there has not been a massive destruction of people. I think maybe Ellen answers that somewhat by explaining how since people lived a lot longer they had strong memories and living for 7 generations had the opportunity to consult one another profiting from each by knowledge and experience of all (pg 83). Now a days, we don't live long enough to be as destructive, I guess, like they were back in Bible times.

    What a powerful example Enoch was!

    How comforting to know that God does put into the hearts and lips of His messengers truths to be uttered (pg 86).


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